Evan Zelig

Evan Zelig is a 24 year old visual design artist with a passion for photography, typography, nature, architecture, design, and exploring areas where all of those things intersect. He is able to beautifully capture images of both natural and man-made subjects, often focusing in closely on small areas and causing the viewer to see the subject from a new perspective.

Zelig’s appreciation for nature can be traced back to his childhood in New Jersey where he had many pets, and spent much of the warm seasons outside exploring. Whether it was picking raspberries in the backyard garden, catching tadpoles and frogs in creeks and ponds, or picking up shells and hermit crabs along the beach, he always had a love for animals and nature, and a respect for them that most kids his age hadn’t yet developed.

Through his father’s work as a landscape architect, Evan got an insider glimpse at how buildings are designed and constructed, and his appreciation for man-made subjects intensified. His interest in architecture flourished, along with the further development of his photography and design skills, as he attended Rochester Institute of Technology, where he graduated from in 2020. His capstone project, titled ‘Beyond Brick City’, captures the evolving architecture and design of RIT’s Henrietta campus from a unique point of view.

Over the past few years, Zelig has worked with accomplished photographer Ron Blunt on esteemed projects such as the Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building, the Renwick Gallery, DAR Constitution Hall, and the Embassy of Japan in Washington D.C.. Blunt has been a mentor to Zelig, and another inspiration for his architectural and design photography. Zelig’s other photography, design, and art influences include Peter Lik, Andreas Gursky, Liu Bolin, Wolfgang Tillman, and more.

Zelig is particularly known for his “Color Cohesion”; a unique form of fluid art, combined with photography and design to create distinctive pieces. This technique is utilized in his first publicly available print series ‘Love Potion, which was released exclusively through unantiquated. on February 14, 2021.


Evan Zelig for unantiquated.

On top of his budding career as an independent visual design artist, and juggling other photography gigs, Zelig is also the Lead Photographer for unantiquated. LLC. From shooting and editing in his self-made home studio, to traveling for special events and studio visits, his skills and input are an invaluable contribution to our company and community.